Journal Club


Journal clubs will be held by webex Tuesdays, 1 p.m. on the following dates at the HPL Webex Meeting Link

Articles will be selected by the presenters and posted on this site at least 2 weeks prior to journal club. Please read and review the article, preparing questions for thoughtful and constructively critical discussion. Presenters will prepare a powerpoint presentation summarizing the article and presenting some questions and points of discussion for the group. Journal clubs are open to other researchers outside the Department of Kinesiology! We hope to focus this semester on the topic of integrative and translational exercise science. Each article should include at least 2 different approaches to exercise/sport science (e.g., applied, clinical, basic, discovery, mechanistic, biomechanics). We hope for some we can "chat with the researcher" through videoconference! We are looking for suggestions for future journal club themes. We hope this journal club achieves the following objectives: provides opportunity to read an article you might not have read on your own to learn new science, generates discussion about capabilities of our labs and potential collaborations, introduces us to current data and new authors in our fields, develops our social professional constructive review skills, stimulates innovative ideas and methods, and gathers us around wonderful science outside of our department.

HPL Department KINS Journal Club

October 17, 2023, Tuesday

November 14, 2023, Tuesday

December 12, 2023, Tuesday